CBD Oil for Pain Management for Chronic and Acute Conditions

People rave about CBD oil for pain, but how does it actually work? Is there just one type of pain it can help? How much should I take? Is there a best kind? Through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), CBD impacts a wide variety of receptors throughout the body, potentially making it a beneficial aid for pain relief from very different issues.

Alni CBD Body Care 50mg Peppermint Pain Salve Mended my Horrid Sunburn

While working in Hollywood, CA, I was out in the sun for most of the day. Of course, being white as a ghost, I got terribly sunburnt. My neck, shoulders, forearms, thighs, and knees became fiery red and hot. I even had small blisters starting to form on my shoulders. Luckily, Bevon brought some CBD […]

Celebrating Women-Owned: Empress Herbal Products

Would you agree that being able to combine your career life with your favorite hobby/passion is the ultimate duo? I certainly do, and having the honor to have interview Theresa Clark, the owner, and founder of Empress Herbal Products, I learned that is exactly what she gets to do with her uprising company. Before starting […]