Terpene’s Series: Beta-Caryophyllene

Have you ever heard of a terpene doing the job of a cannabinoid?

Beta-Caryophyllene has the ability to play the role of a cannabinoid through being capable of activating CB2 receptor sites within the endocannabinoid system. Activating the CB2 receptors reduces inflammation, which lessens pain and reduces damaging consequences caused by chronic inflammation.

Hashimoto’s, Graves’ Disease & CBD

After meeting Janet here in LA, I was in awe with inspiration. This woman is battling Hashimoto’s disease, and after only 6 months of chatting, she has grown so much. Janet uses CBD products to help treat her symptoms. Being so influenced, my curiosity spiked on how CBD can help a person with Hashimoto’s along […]

Erica’s CBD Story

I’m Erica – an eclectic witch with a deep love for holistic healing & empowering others’ voices! I worked at a CBD store for 2+ years where they prioritized greed & manipulation over quality & transparency – & lied every time I confronted them. I refuse to work with those who don’t value honesty & […]