Understand Emotions Using CBD

Emotions are the language of your subconscious. Identifying your emotions correctly will help you let go of any that do not serve your best self.

CBD and Depression

Depression is fickle. Sometimes it is experienced once in a blue moon. In other situations, it is expressed chronically. In either case, CBD can help you fight depression and allow you to lift your spirits up again.

Mastering the Mind using CBD

Using full spectrum CBD almost daily has helped my body stay in homeostasis in a chronic manner. Being able to experience this, (which I feel most of my life I hadn’t been in Homeostasis which is why I had manifested unwanted health conditions over time) I realized that if you can chronically manifest negative outcomes, you can manifest positive outcomes as well. But it all starts with what frequency you are resonating at. This is why CBD is so powerful because it promotes balance and harmony within the body, starting with the nervous system. And the nervous system is connected to everything.

CBD helps with the symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Blood clots are a serious public health problem that kills hundreds of thousands of adults each year of which the majority of cases are preventable. Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT is formed when blood thickens and clumps together. Then the clot travels and causes complications, such as a stroke.