CBD Oil for Pain Management for Chronic and Acute Conditions

People rave about CBD oil for pain, but how does it actually work? Is there just one type of pain it can help? How much should I take? Is there a best kind? Through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), CBD impacts a wide variety of receptors throughout the body, potentially making it a beneficial aid for pain relief from very different issues.

The Benefits of CBD and Sauna Therapy

Sauna therapy is an excellent addition to add to your self care routine. Combining these benefits with the use of CBD can maximize the healing aspects of both regimens. Let’s compare the benefits of CBD and sauna therapy.

CBD and Depression

Depression is fickle. Sometimes it is experienced once in a blue moon. In other situations, it is expressed chronically. In either case, CBD can help you fight depression and allow you to lift your spirits up again.