Terpene Series: Linalool

If you are a fan of lavender then you are a fan of Linalool! Linalool is one of the most universally used terpenes to help alleviate stress. It can be found within 200 different types of plants, including lavender, lemon, and coriander. Its scent is described as floral with hints of spice. The Power of […]

Understanding Cannabinoids: Cannabigerol (CBG)

Cannabigerol, or CBG, is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, meaning it doesn’t produce the “highs” that are synonymous with THC. Because it is present in low levels (usually less than 1%) in most cannabis strains, CBG is considered a minor cannabinoid. Background Info on Cannabigerol (CBG) THC and CBD start out as CBG. It is the chemical […]

CBD and UTIs

If you have ever experienced a urinary tract infection (UTI), then you understand the agony from cystitis, which is inflammation of the bladder/urethra. Fortunately, cannabis, among other plant remedies, can help alleviate the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Details on UTIs UTIs are much more common in women vs men. In fact, The Interstitial Cystitis […]

Morcheaba Pain Balm Extra Strength Review

THIS PRODUCT REALLY WORKS!! Morcheaba pain balm truly provided me with inflammatory relief. I used the entire container over the course of a month. I suffer from inflammation in my right leg, specifically in my ankle. The swelling results from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), commonly referred to as blood clots. Before testing this product, I […]