Cytochrome P450 & CBD Drug Interactions

We would not be living without our livers. Our livers detoxify our body from anything that could potentially harm us and actually has its own cleansing system called the cytochrome p450 enzymes system. According to research the system contains more than 50 enzymes that process and eliminate toxins from our bodies. There are drugs that may interact with CBD.

What is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis is when your body operates within a normal range. It is the key to life, and failures can lead to diseases like hypertension and diabetes.

Efforts to maintain homeostasis are constantly happening in our body. Our endocannabinoid system aka ECS is constantly working to adjust for any changes in our internal environment.

Terpene’s Series: Beta-Caryophyllene

Have you ever heard of a terpene doing the job of a cannabinoid?

Beta-Caryophyllene has the ability to play the role of a cannabinoid through being capable of activating CB2 receptor sites within the endocannabinoid system. Activating the CB2 receptors reduces inflammation, which lessens pain and reduces damaging consequences caused by chronic inflammation.

Hashimoto’s, Graves’ Disease & CBD

After meeting Janet here in LA, I was in awe with inspiration. This woman is battling Hashimoto’s disease, and after only 6 months of chatting, she has grown so much. Janet uses CBD products to help treat her symptoms. Being so influenced, my curiosity spiked on how CBD can help a person with Hashimoto’s along […]

Can CBD help with Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells and causes inflammation. This causes the cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin, which forms scales and red patches that are itchy and are often painful. This is due to the immune system becoming overactive which […]