
What is the endometrium?  The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. It thickens during the ovulation cycle, then sheds during menstruation (AKA when a person bleeds once a month). The endometrium itself has many functions, but the primary ones are to: House and nourish an implanted embryo Serve as a barrier to prevent […]

CBD and Hemp for Pets

All vertebrae mammals have an ECS, which means CBD impacts our pets the same way it impacts us. Since they’re smaller with more delicate systems, they likely don’t need as large of a dose. But like us, each pet’s ideal dosage differs and takes time to find. What is CBD and the Endocannabinoid System? Cannabidiol […]

Understanding Terpenes

How much do you know about terpenes? Terpenes are found in ALL plants, including cannabis. Terpenes are aromatic molecules produced from the resin of plants. Along with flavonoids, they are the scents/tastes of plants. Different cannabis strains have their own terpene combinations, creating a unique smell. Cannabinoids, however, do not produce scents. Terpenes provide several […]