CBD and UTIs

If you have ever experienced a urinary tract infection (UTI), then you understand the agony from cystitis, which is inflammation of the bladder/urethra. Fortunately, cannabis, among other plant remedies, can help alleviate the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Details on UTIs UTIs are much more common in women vs men. In fact, The Interstitial Cystitis […]

CBD & Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks (deer tick). Ticks were a fact of life for many growing up in the ’80s and ’90s. If a child came home with a tick on their head, mothers would apply Vaseline over the […]

CBD and Social Anxiety

I remember the very first time I experienced social anxiety. Back when I was a young child in school, it was my turn to give a presentation for my shoebox diorama. The sensation that came over me was like my soul hit the floor. I felt drained and flushed like I was extremely sick to […]

What is Endocannabinoid Deficiency?

Have you ever felt tired, forgetful, and head foggy with no apparent reason? Newer research suggests these symptoms may be due to what is known as endocannabinoid deficiency. The Endocannabinoid System It is a part of our nervous system and it is known as the endocannabinoid system. Its job is to keep the body in […]

Mental Illness & CBD, How Can It Help?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling or mood. A traumatic event is one of the most common causes of mental illnesses. Events have suggested that CBD may help. The most common mental illnesses include schizophrenia, bipolar and anxiety disorders, and depression. […]