Federal House Bill Would Reschedule Cannabis and Re-Define Marijuana to Exclude CBD

Republican Virginia Rep. Griffith H. Morgan has introduced legislation to reschedule cannabis under the federal Controlled Substances Act, and exclude cannabidiol from the definition of marijuana. According to the bill text, CBD would be defined exclusively as cannabis not containing more than 0.3 percent THC “on a dry weight basis.” The proposal does not include […]

The Fay Farm Warming CBD Muscle Rub Review

I have Osteoarthritis in my both of my wrist. I have no cartilage and the bones rub against each other. This is mostly from my right wrist. I have been trying and searching for rubs and creams for years. Most that I have tried either don’t last long enough or they damage the skin after constant usage. […]

CBD for Menstrual Cramps

Have menstrual cramps? Or someone that you know suffer from painful? Well our redditors have a ton of success stories on how CBD has helped them and their love ones. Come read more on how CBD can help menstrual cramps. CBD for Menstrual Cramps – Anyone out there using it? from CBD