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THCP (tetrahydrocannabiphorol)

Researchers in Italy announced on December 30, 2019, that they had discovered two previously unknown cannabinoids, THCP (tetrahydrocannabiphorol) and CBDP (Cannabidiphorol).

The first, tetrahydrocannabiphorol (Δ9-THCP), is allegedly 30 times more potent than THC. In mice, it appeared THCP was more active than THC at lower doses.

It is believed that the psychotropic effects in cannabis are due to other extremely active phytocannabinoids such as Δ9-THCP.

We believe that the discovery of an extremely potent THC-like phytocannabinoid may shed light on several pharmacological effects not ascribable solely to Δ9-THC.

Scientific Reports

The strain, FM2, a cannabis variety is obtained from the strain CIN-RO produced by the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) in Rovigo (Italy) and provided to the Military Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute (MCPI, Firenze, Italy) for breeding. 

The report states that the binding activity of Δ9-THCP against the CB1 receptor showed results similar to that of CP55940, a potent full CB1 agonist.

In a cannabinoid tetrad pharmacological test, Δ9-THCP induced hypomotilityanalgesiacatalepsy, and decreased rectal temperature indicating a THC-like cannabimimetic activity. The presence of this new phytocannabinoid could account for the pharmacological properties of some cannabis varieties difficult to explain by the presence of Δ9-THC.

The strain, FM2, a cannabis variety, is obtained from the strain CIN-RO produced by the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) in Rovigo (Italy) and provided to the Military Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute (MCPI, Firenze, Italy) for breeding.

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