Does CBD remain after brewing CBD Coffee & CBD Tea?

As someone who makes CBD coffee every morning, I know how important that first cup of joe is for most of you. One of the popular questions that we get asked is “Is there actual CBD in the coffee and tea?” The answer is yes. However, the bigger question is does CBD remain after brewing […]

Hakuna Supply CBD Review

Calling all coffee lovers! How do you enjoy those first few moments when you wake up in the morning?! Personally, without my first cup of coffee, I am not much of a people person. And it’s been that way since mid-teenage years. Once I have a cup of coffee or two, I am ready to […]

Flower Power Coffee Co. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Review

I don’t drink coffee much at work unless I’m really tired so drinking Flower Power Coffee Co. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee came with making preparations at home. At work we all share coffee, and I had to use my Keurig coffee machine at home so that no one else could drink the CBD. Never force […]

CBD Coffee

For all your caffeine junkies who would love to have CBD Coffee in the morning; I’ve put together a nice list of CBD Coffee companies. CBD is short for Cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. For many, the health benefits of adding CBD to their diet results in numerous positive effects to the body’s endocannabinoid […]