Mastering the Mind using CBD

Using full spectrum CBD almost daily has helped my body stay in homeostasis in a chronic manner. Being able to experience this, (which I feel most of my life I hadn’t been in Homeostasis which is why I had manifested unwanted health conditions over time) I realized that if you can chronically manifest negative outcomes, you can manifest positive outcomes as well. But it all starts with what frequency you are resonating at. This is why CBD is so powerful because it promotes balance and harmony within the body, starting with the nervous system. And the nervous system is connected to everything.

Can CBD Help Treat the Symptoms of Autism?

Some of you know that I have a 4-year-old daughter, Koryn, who has autism. I also have many friends that I’ve met through social media that also have kids with autism. The struggle is real. The question that always comes up is “Can CBD help my child who has autism?”

CBD is Truly a Miracle

CBD is truly a miracle. It helps so many people from severe conditions like cancer, epilepsy, and other life-threatening illnesses. Many of these people never have a real opportunity to live their life the way they deserve to. CBD gives that second chance to feel happy about themselves and be out of pain. CBD aids […]

What is Endocannabinoid Deficiency?

Have you ever felt tired, forgetful, and head foggy with no apparent reason? Newer research suggests these symptoms may be due to what is known as endocannabinoid deficiency. The Endocannabinoid System It is a part of our nervous system and it is known as the endocannabinoid system. Its job is to keep the body in […]