
Eucalyptol, also known as Cineol, is the terpene responsible for the pleasurable and cooling scents found within eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, tea tree, mugwort, bay leaves, sweet basil, sage, and some strains of cannabis. When smoked, one can experience a sweet, refreshing cooling taste.

Understanding Cannabinoids: Cannabigerol (CBG)

Cannabigerol, or CBG, is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, meaning it doesn’t produce the “highs” that are synonymous with THC. Because it is present in low levels (usually less than 1%) in most cannabis strains, CBG is considered a minor cannabinoid. Background Info on Cannabigerol (CBG) THC and CBD start out as CBG. It is the chemical […]

The benefits of CBD + Turmeric and Curcumin

The benefits of CBD is not something that we have to question anymore. But did you know that CBD’s properties can be enhanced when combined with other plant-based medicines? Turmeric and Curcumin are 2 examples that work synergistically with CBD. Turmeric has Powerful Medicinal properties One of the best dishes from the Caribbean is curry […]

The Benefits of CBD on the Brain

I know that when I first started learning about CBD I had a lot of questions. Like what are any benefits of CBD? Does CBD help the Brain? Well, I am starting this series on The Benefits of CBD. I will post different topics on CBD and its benefits. I hope you enjoy reading as […]