The history of Hemp!

Hemp is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man. Hemp is cultivated for its fiber, edible seeds, and cannabinoids.

The differences between marijuana and hemp

Although both marijuana and hemp come from the Cannabis Sativa family, they’re distinctly different. Marijuana is bushier with wider leaves, while hemp is thinner with shinier leaves. It’s their chemical composition differences that really make them different though. More than 113 chemical cannabinoids are found in cannabis, but the amount of cannabinoids differs drastically between […]

Hemp, Marijuana, or Cannabis?

Hemp, marijuana, or cannabis? The cannabis plant is one of the most misunderstood, and terminology around it is commonly misused. Is it marijuana or hemp? Is hemp considered cannabis? Does all cannabis get you high? Let’s clear out the confusion. Marijuana is cannabis. Hemp is cannabis. Hemp is not marijuana. Marijuana is not hemp. Cannabis […]