CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is a chemical compound that naturally comes from Cannabis Sativa. This is one of the many chemical compounds, classified as phytocannabinoids (phyto-plant), that provides various health and medicinal benefits.


Researchers discovered that cannabinoids (including CBD) have an unusual ability to destroy bacteria (especially drug-resistant strains). In 2008, a group of Italian and British researchers combined their skills to create a study that can change what we know about CBD. They tested five different marijuana cannabinoids (including CBD) against six different strains of ‘superbug’ MRSA […]

CBD reduces the negative effects of THC

CBD seems to naturally counteract the marijuana high. Numerous studies suggest that CBD acts to reduce the intoxicating effects of THC, such as memory impairment and paranoia. People who have used both cannabis and pure THC for medical purposes report a preference for natural cannabis when it comes to side effects. It’s thought that CBD […]