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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Blood clots are a serious public health problem that kills hundreds of thousands of adults each year of which the majority of cases are preventable.

In the U.S. over 250,000 people die each year from blood clot conditions. DVT is formed when blood thickens and clumps together, then travels and causes complications, such as a stroke.

Thrombosis is the term for the condition that occurs when a blood clot (called a thrombus) forms in an artery or vein. Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT, a potentially deadly condition, is the kind of thrombosis caused when a blood clot develops in a large vein, often in the lower leg, thigh or pelvis.

How does CBD help?

Research showed that there is a cardioprotective effect of taking CBD. (1)

One of the biggest complaints from those that suffer from DVT is leg swelling. Rubbing CBD while massaging the leg can help reduce swelling. This is especially true for Full Spectrum CBD salves.

CBD is well known for treating inflammation. (2) Early research shows that chronic inflammation plays a key role in the pathophysiology of atherothrombosis. (3)

Researchers suggest that patients with respiratory and urinary tract infections have a temporarily doubled risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Patrick Vallance at University College London reports that acute respiratory illness significantly increases the risk of DVT. (4)

Vallance and his team believe it is the body’s inflammatory response that puts people at greater risk for blood clots in the lungs and veins. Future research is needed.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3026637/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29632236
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17133101?access_num=17133101&link_type=MED&dopt=Abstract
  4. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn8926-inflammation-may-cause-deadly-blood-clots/
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