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Cannabidolic Acid (CBDA)

CBDA, or Cannabidolic acid, is a chemical compound found in the trichomes of uncured cannabis plants. CBDA is the precursor to CBD and breaks down from its acid form to CBD when it becomes heated and aged. This process of converting CBDA to CBD is known as decarboxylation or decarbing.

CBDA’s benefits include: anti-inflammatory properties, anti-nausea properties, antioxidants, pain relief, anti-bacterial/antimicrobial properties, and anti-proliferative properties.

Early research has shown that CBDA is more effective than activated CBD at easing nausea and vomiting in rats and shews. The cannabinoid activates a receptor in the brainstem known as the 5-HT1A receptor, and it is one of the numerous serotonin receptors found on the surface of the cells in humans and animals.

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter known for its role in depression, but it is believed that it plays a role in nausea and vomiting. This particular study that was done on the rats and shews showed that the activation of this cell receptor spiked after treatment with CBDA, which leads to why the acid was so effective at stopping the vomiting and nausea behavior. Research has also shown potential in anti-cancer properties through multiple studies since 2012.

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