CBD and Depression

Depression is fickle. Sometimes it is experienced once in a blue moon. In other situations, it is expressed chronically. In either case, CBD can help you fight depression and allow you to lift your spirits up again.

Erica’s CBD Story

I’m Erica – an eclectic witch with a deep love for holistic healing & empowering others’ voices! I worked at a CBD store for 2+ years where they prioritized greed & manipulation over quality & transparency – & lied every time I confronted them. I refuse to work with those who don’t value honesty & […]

How can CBD Do All it Can Do? It Starts Within the Mind!

CBD truly can enhance a person’s quality of life. Many critics who haven’t tried CBD often ask, how can CBD do all it can do? Based on how CBD non-invasively interacts with the nervous system, a simplified answer would be it relaxes the mind. Try thinking of your mind as a physical object. Let’s think of […]